
Tuesday, 28 November 2017

No Girls Allowed

During the ancient Olympic Games, men were allowed to compete in the events but women were not. In fact, women were often forbidden from even watching the games. In your opinion, is this a fair rule? Why or why not? On your blog please tell us what you think about this interesting rule.

The girls were not allowed to watch the games.
Right now i would be trying to watch the games.
it would be really cruel.
i would want to watch the horses at a Olympics.

Image result for horse riding

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Garden to table

Garden to table.
Each Friday we go to the garden and the kitchen to learn about how to grow things.
In this picture I am learning how to plant radish seeds.
We poked our pinky into the soil and then we put 2 or 3 seeds in. We then covered it with soil .

Handwriting term 3

This is my handwriting term 3.

I am good at spelling my name.
I need to keep my size even.

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

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